Greens and Bananas

Greater mental clarity? More Spiritually intune? Greater resistance to Aging and Disease? My adventures in the raw food/vegetarian lifestyle and how I am becoming all I was meant to be.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Green Kids?

I wimped out with my kids.

It happened like this

We shared our green smoothie for the morning and the kids uninterestedly picked at the oranges i gave them afterwards.

No matter, I was intent on being the Rock of Gibralter with my kids.
"No you can't have ice cream", "No, Cheez-it's aren't a green food",
"No, NO cereal you guys!"

My 7yr old, who had been complaining of a stomach ache since he first woke up, then proceded to throw up his oranges an hour later.

I then walk in on my 3yr old who is standing in their bedroom with pants and underwear down and an almost tearful expression on his face.

"What's wrong?" I say.

He just hangs his head and says nothing

Then it hits me. "Did you have an accident?" He nodded his head yes.

I tell him to go to the bathroom and try to see if he has to go some more.
He had MAJOR diarrhea.

OK, my resolve is starting to weaken.
NO. Mean mommy, will NOT, let this phase her!

We get through the morning and afternoon with them barely taking any sips of the green smoothies I make and very little interest in fruit. I feel pretty blah about my smoothies/fruit as well.

I finish my workout at the the gym and as I'm picking up the kids from the daycare, the 3yr old asks for snack crackers from the women watching them. It's just a very small pack and I don't feel like making a scene in front of strangers.

As they walk to the car, each munching their own bag of crackers, the 1yr old begins screeching as if to say, "No you aren'tgoing to eat crackers without offering ME one!"

The other two are so ravenous that they start arguing over who is going to share one of their itty bitty crackers.

I've had it. I go to the grocery store salad bar and make all 3 a salad - with meat - and call it a day.

I've decided to follow Option B with my kids. Option B allows you to just replace 1 or 2 meals a day with a smoothie while eating normally the rest of the time. Well, it won't be completely normal - I'll only serve them salads for the other meals but with chicken or fish.
Not having to cook anything too elaborate will help me stay the path.
Here's looking for a better day tomorrow.


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